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Executive Coaching Cohort Application Opens

We are thrilled to extend our Executive Coaching Opportunity at AMPT: Advancing Nonprofits!

We know that coaching can play a transformative role in leadership development. You will encounter significant challenges and dilemmas as you continue to build the capacity of your organization. AMPT will provide the services of an executive coach for up to 10 coaching hours to assist Chicagoland nonprofits in navigating these challenges.

Coaching is not the same as consulting. A consultant can help you get certain tasks done as your move towards completion of your goals. 

An Executive Coach supports you and your work as a leader in your organization.

This is the person who can challenge you as you aim higher for your personal and organizational goals.

This application opportunity is to receive the support of an Executive Coach.

Cohort members will meet on the following Thursday mornings from 11am-12pm: 3/23/23 for onboarding, 5/11/23, 7/13/23, 9/14/23, and 11/9/23.

This application is due Friday, February 17, 2023 at 11:59pm.  

If you have any questions, please reach out to jaz at

December 6

#Amplify Your Evaluations

February 2

Executive Coaching Cohort Info Session